Support Health Economic Students Attend the IHEA Congress

The International Health Economics Association (IHEA) is a not-for-profit organization, with members from more than 100 countries. Our membership fees and registration fees for the Congress held every second year are set at cost-recovery levels.
Many universities do not provide financial support for their students to attend international conferences. The registration fees, cost of travel and accommodation are an insurmountable barrier to conference attendance for students at these institutions.
IHEA approaches donors for grants to cover these costs for delegates in financial need. However, these donors usually specify that their funds can only be used to support delegates from low- or middle-income countries.
We are appealing for contributions that would be earmarked for support to full-time students from high-income countries, who have an abstract accepted for presentation, to attend the 2025 IHEA Congress in Bali. We will provide feedback on the use of your funds after the Congress.
Although some amounts are suggested above, you can contribute any amount (just type the amount in the box).