Measuring the Unmeasurable: DCEs to Value Health for Cost-Utility Analysis


Featured speaker, Richard Norman: Richard is a Health Economist with ongoing interest in the economic evaluation of healthcare, the measurement and valuation of quality of life, discrete choice experiments and econometric analysis of large panel datasets. He is a Chief Investigator on projects currently funded by the NHMRC and the ARC. He is an associate […]

Economics of Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Interventions in Ghana and Senegal (EcASaRH)


The provisional plan is a one hour time slot composed of 5 minutes of initial housekeeping, an approximate 40 minute presentation and 15 minutes for discussion. Featured speaker: Ama Pokuaa Fenny, University of Ghana Africa's population is predominantly young, with the majority under 30 years old. In the ECOWAS region, where more than one-third of […]