December 2024 Newsletter

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Wishing Everyone a Restful End of Year Break

Our sincere thanks to everyone for their contributions to IHEA during 2024: those who serve on the Board and our Committees; the conveners of our Special Interest Groups; our Scientific Committee members, nearly 300 of whom are undertaking abstract and session reviews at this time; the presenters in our webinars and all who participate in our activities.

We wish everyone a restful and revitalizing break over the next few weeks, and a memorable 2025 filled with opportunities, positivity and humanity.

Apply for the New Research Fellowship Program

Deadline: February 17, 2025

Are you an early career researcher who doesn’t have access to experienced colleagues to support you during a research project?

Are you an experienced researcher interested in collaborating with and guiding an early-career health economist, particularly in a low- or middle-income country, through a year-long research project?

Then consider applying to participate in IHEA’s new Fellowship Program, which will pair an early-career researcher (ECR) with an experienced researcher for support throughout a research project. It is distinct from IHEA’s professional development mentoring program. An award of USD5,000 will be provided for each Fellowship mentee-mentor pair.

The Program is particularly targeted at ECRs who are based in institutions that do not have experienced health economists who could provide such research support. Priority will be given to ECRs based in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

IHEA is seeking expressions of interest from both potential research mentees and mentors. Research mentees should either have completed a Master’s degree in Health Economics or Economics, or be a recent health economics Doctoral graduate. Research mentors should have at least 5 years of independent research experience and experience of collaborative research in countries and with institutions other than where they are based.

Full details of this new program and the two-stage application process can be found here. Applications close on February 17, 2025.

Join the Professional Development Mentoring Program for Early and Mid-Career Health Economists

Deadline: January 21, 2025

The IHEA Mentoring Program supports early- and mid-career health economists in their professional development and personal wellbeing. Mentees and mentors are matched based on common research and related interests, and other preferences. The program consists of at least four meetings, usually via video call, over a one-year period.

We are calling for expressions of interest to participate as mentees or mentors in the next round of the program, which will start in early 2025. Mentee applicants must be an IHEA member and should not have participated in a previous round of the Mentoring Program.

You can apply to participate in the program by completing the relevant (mentor or mentee) form here. The platform is not integrated with the membership system, so you will need to create login details. Applications close on January 21, 2025.

Call for abstracts for early career researcher (ECR) pre-congress session at 2025 Congress

Deadline: January 31, 2025

The ECR-SIG conveners are organizing a pre-congress session, which will provide a forum for ECRs to have their research discussed and to receive detailed feedback from both their peers and senior researchers in their field. The session will be held on Saturday 19 July, 2025 (12:30 to 18:00) at the Bali International Convention Centre.

ECRs are invited to submit an abstract by January 31, 2025, to be considered for participation in the session. Submitting an abstract for this session will not impact on your eligibility to participate in the main congress. Participating ECRs will be selected through a competitive review process. Those selected will be expected to submit a full draft of their paper by mid-June 2025. This should be unpublished advanced work in progress, including results and a discussion section.

Each accepted paper will be allocated a 45-minute slot, during which a senior health economist will provide detailed comments on the paper, particularly on how it can be improved. There will also be input from other ECRs and senior researchers attending the session.

The benefits of this session will not only accrue to the ECRs whose abstracts are selected. All ECR attendees will benefit from hearing the feedback provided by senior health economists, some of which will be specific to the submitted paper, and some of which will be more general. All ECR attendees will have access to senior health economists during the session and refreshment breaks.

This session presents a unique opportunity for ECRs to receive detailed feedback on their research and important guidance to improve the likelihood of their research being published. Interested ECRs should submit their 500 word abstracts, and complete the associated form, here.

There is still time to submit a paper for …

Þ Student Paper Prize – More details about this prize and the eligibility criteria can be found here, where you can also submit your paper. Deadline: January 20, 2025

Þ Arrow Award – IHEA’s annual Arrow Award was created to recognize excellence in the field of health economics with the Award presented to the author or authors of the paper judged to be the best paper published in health economics in English in the award year. More details about the Award and the portal for submitting nominations can be found here. Deadline: January 15, 2025

There is still time to submit a paper for …

IHEA will be at ASSA 2025 and has two organized sessions:

Program Effects on Childrens’ Health

Sunday January 5th, 8-10am PST

Chronic Conditions and Aging

Sunday January 5th, 10:15am-12:15pm PST

There is an ongoing strike at the main hotel for the ASSA meetings (Hilton Union Square); a key demand of striking workers relates to health insurance cover. IHEA has decided to shift our sessions, at our expense, to the nearby The Clift Royal Sonesta Hotel where workers are not on strike. The IHEA Executive Committee strongly felt that this venue change was appropriate given the ongoing challenges US workers face to secure affordable health care.

The American Society of Health Economists (ASHEcon) and Health Economics Research Organization (HERO) have similarly moved their sessions to this hotel. This means that all health economics related sessions at ASSA will be held in the Calder Room, Clift Royal Sonesta. We encourage members to participate in the ASHEcon and HERO sessions, which are as follows:

Health Care Price Variation and Transparency

Friday January 3rd, 8-10am PST

Legal and Illegal Drugs: Determinants and Effects in Regulated and Unregulated Settings

Friday January 3rd, 10:15am-12:15pm PST

The Doctor Is In: The Changing Landscape of Healthcare Delivery

Friday January 3rd, 2:30-4:30pm PST

Coverage and Care Delivery in the Medicaid Program

Saturday January 4th, 8-10am PST

Social and Environmental Determinants of Worse Health

Saturday January 4th, 10:15am-12:15pm PST

Health Care Organizations, Ownership, and Markets

Saturday January 4th, 2:30-4:30pm PST

Please join us for the IHEA and ASHEcon reception on Saturday 4th from 6:30-7:30PM, which will be held at the Cliff Sonesta Hotel. Please RSVP here for catering purposes.

Upcoming Events

Supply Side Efficiency: Strategic Purchasing of Healthcare Services

Date: January 23, 2025 

Time: 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM UTC

Presented by: Inke Mathauer

Learn more here 

Econ-Omics Talks: Evaluating and Valuing Pharmacogenetic Testing

Date: February 11, 2025 

Time: 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM UTC

Presented by: Professor Katherine Payne

Learn more here 

Stay tuned for more on upcoming IHEA webinars! You can view all 2024-2025 events here.