Teaching Health Economics
The Teaching Health Economics (THE) SIG is a global community of health economics educators who collaborate to strengthen capacity and promote quality health economics training, and to support one another in this endeavor. We share teaching resources on a Creative Commons basis to enhance the delivery of health economics teaching; support the development of new context-relevant courses; promote research around health economics teaching; organize sessions before or during the iHEA congress; and connect educators across countries interested in collaborating on course assignments or research, or to facilitate guest lectures, external examination and other teaching activities.
- News & Activities
- Recordings of Past Events
- Teaching Materials Repository
THE SIG News and Activities
THE capacity strengthening virtual workshop series
Workshops that have already been held can be found in our “Recordings of Past THE SIG Events”.
Contribute to the teaching materials repository
We appeal to health economics teachers in all countries to share their materials on the repository of open educational resources. Anyone may download and use this material in their training programs, but must credit the original source. We would particularly value:
- Course/module outlines which indicate the learning outcomes, topics covered and recommended reading lists
- Audio-visual material (e.g. recordings of lectures or short video clips explaining key concepts)
- Case studies and group exercises (with facilitators’ notes where possible)
Such materials are of great value to fellow academics starting new courses and those wanting to promote active learning in their courses. Materials in any language are welcomed.
International Handbook on Teaching Health Economics: Best practices
One outcome of global engagement between health economics educators is the “International Handbook on Teaching Health Economics: Best Practices”, edited by THE SIG Convenors Maia Platt and Allen Goodman and including chapters from many THE SIG members and presenters at previous IHEA Pre-Congress sessions organized by the SIG.
Recordings from Pre-Congress session on Teaching Health Economics, Boston Congress, 2017
To view all of these recordings, click here.
Recordings of Past Events
Click on event name to access PPT presentation (where available); click on thumbnail below to view recording
- Skills Workshop: Supervising Research Dissertations and Building Research Supervision Capacity – January 25, 2023
- Skills Workshop: Innovative Techniques for Student Assessments – November 18, 2022
- Developing Context Relevant Health Economics Case Studies and Related Active Learning Material – November 1, 2022
- Techniques For Active Learning: What Are They and How Can I Use Them In My Health Economics Courses? – June 29, 2022
- Developing Context Relevant and Inclusive Course Outlines and Reading Lists – June 9, 2022
- Publishing Pedagogical Research on Innovations in Economics Teaching – May 11, 2022
- Curriculum Development Overview and Writing Powerful Learning Outcomes for Health Economics – March 30, 2022
Teaching Materials Repository
The objectives of this repository are to:
- Create a global community of health economics teachers willing to share resources with others; and
- Promote quality health economics training through the sharing and use of these resources.
The repository is made possible by the generosity and commitment of those who are willing to share their teaching material. The UK Health Economics education (HEe) initiative provided the initial set of materials incorporated in the repository.
THE SIG Convenors
Overall SIG co-ordination: Heather Brown and Neha Batura
Training materials’ repository: Heather Brown and Maude Laberge
THE capacity strengthening: Patricia Akweongo, Femi Ayadi and Di McIntyre
THE mentoring: Neha Batura
Cross-country learning: Lisa Gold and Paul Andres Rodriguez Lesmes
Research on THE: Allen Goodman and Elizabeth Seidler
EDI in teaching: Monica Aswani and Neha Batura