Call for Expressions of Interest to serve as a Program Chair on the iHEA Scientific Committee
iHEA is currently seeking expressions of interest from established health economists with a strong research publication track record to serve as Program Chairs on the Scientific Committee (SC) for the 2023 iHEA Congress to be held in Cape Town. To be eligible for consideration, you should have served on the abstract review panel for at least two of the recent iHEA congresses (2017, 2019 and/or 2021).
The SC comprises a Chair and a Co-Chair and a group of Program Chairs overseeing each of the broad fields of health economics, supported by a Review Panel who will evaluate abstract submissions for the iHEA Congress. Collectively the SC will have research expertise covering the full spectrum of fields within health economics. These broad fields and their respective sub-fields, which have recently been updated, are listed at the end of this announcement.
The Program Chairs for each field work together to finalize the abstract acceptances (from the review panel scores) and compile individual abstracts into coherent sessions; this will take place in February and April 2023 respectively. All applicants should be available during this period. Program Chairs also contribute to identifying Special Organized Sessions ( mini-plenaries).
While some of the members from the 2021 Congress SC will be returning for the 2023 Congress, the plan is to have a mixture of members with varying SC tenures to ensure continuity in the operations of the SC while providing opportunities for all members to participate and contribute to the success of the iHEA Congress. While Program Chairs sometimes serve for up to a maximum of three congresses, they do not have to commit to serving beyond the 2023 Congress.
Final decisions on Program Chairs will need to accommodate gender and geographic diversity as well as providing adequate coverage of the broad fields. Applications should be submitted online here. Please note: If you served as a Program Chair on the Scientific Committee for the 2021 Congress, you should not complete this form; you will have been contacted directly about your willingness to continue serving on the SC.
Expressions of interest to serve as a Program Chair close on 31 May 2022 .
Call for abstracts for the 2023 ASSA Annual Meeting
The International Health Economics Association (iHEA), the American Society of Health Economists (ASHEcon), and the Health Economics Research Organization (HERO) are soliciting papers for presentation at the 202 3 Allied Social Science Association (ASSA) annual meeting to be held in New Orleans, LA from Friday January 6 to Sunday January 8 , 2023. Based upon submitted abstracts, papers will be selected for 2 iHEA-organized sessions , 1 ASHEcon-organized session and 5 HERO-organized sessions.
iHEA seeks abstracts for sessions that will focus primarily on internationally relevant topics in health economics , ASHEcon seeks abstracts on topics related to US-focused health eco nomics topics and HERO seeks abstracts on all issues of relevance to the health economics field .
Submission Guidelines
Anyone is eligible to submit an abstract. Abstract text must be 500 words or less.
If you would like to submit your abstract as part of a group of abstracts for consideration as a complete session, you must provide suggested discussants for each paper. Please note that this is not a guarantee that all papers in a set would necessarily be on the program.
iHEA, ASHEcon, HERO are independent organizations each with affiliate status in the ASSA.
Abstracts can be submitted here by May 20, 2022.
30th Annual Arrow Award
The 30th Arrow Award for the best paper in health economics is awarded to: Andrew Goodman-Bacon, 2021. The Long-Run Effects of Childhood Insurance Coverage: Medicaid Implementation, Adult Health, and Labor Market Outcomes. American Economic Review, 111(8):2550-259.
The Arrow Award Committee is proud to acknowledge the author of this innovative paper, which investigates the long-run effects of childhood insurance.
The research uncovers that such type of health insurance can deliver large benefits later in life to both covered individuals, in particular the poorest recipients, and to the government. It goes beyond previous studies by looking at health and socioeconomic outcomes much later in life than previously established.
In more detail, the study estimates the effects of childhood Medicaid eligibility in the US on adult health and economic outcomes. Exploiting the program’s original introduction (1966–1970) and its mandated coverage of welfare recipients, its difference-in-difference design involves the comparison of cohorts born in different years relative to Medicaid implementation, and in states with different pre-existing welfare-based eligibility rates.
The study finds that early childhood Medicaid eligibility reduces mortality and disability, increases employment, and reduces receipt of disability transfer programs up to 50 years later. It also finds that Medicaid has saved the US government more than its original cost and saved more than 10 million quality adjusted life years.
We congratulate the author on the publication of this important paper.
IHEA’s thanks go to the Arrow Award committee who devote considerable time to reviewing the articles being considered for this award.
Arrow Award Committee, 2022
Chair:Luigi Siciliani, University of York
Co-Chair:Tor Iversen, University of Oslo
Marcella Alsan, HarvardUniversity
Marika Cabral, University of Texas
Luke Connelly, University of Queensland
Joan Costa-i-Font, London School of Economics
Karine Lamiraud, ESSEC
Hsienming Lien, National Chengchi University
Manoj Mohanan, Duke University
Edward Okeke, Pardee RAND Graduate School
Rodrigo R. Soares, Columbia University
Mark Stabile, INSEAD
Erin Strumpf, McGill University
Judit Vall Catelló, Universitat de Barcelona
Stephanie von Hinke Kessler Scholder, Bristol University
Heidi Williams, Stanford University
Yuting Zhang, University of Melbourne
Update on iHEA Special Interest Groups
Virtual workshop series to strengthen capacity for health economics teaching
The Teaching Health Economics Special Interest Group held the first workshop to support teaching capacity strengthening on 30 March. It focused on curriculum development and developing learning outcomes for health economics courses. Recordings of the presentations during this workshop can be found here .
We are pleased to announce the dates of the next two workshops:
9 June 2022, 7:00AM EDT (Noon UK time): Developing inclusive and context relevant course outlines and reading lists
29 June 2022, 8:00AM EDT: Techniques for active learning
Full details of these workshops and registration will be posted here in the near future.Watch this space ….
Early Career Researchers
The ECR SIG is pleased to present our new cohort of conveners for the 2022-2023 period to the iHEA community. In addition to the members listed below, Tiara Marthias serves as our SIG director.
Dr Cate Bailey (Australia) is a Research Fellow in Health Economics at the University of Melbourne. Her research focuses on economic evaluation in the social care sector, specifically regarding quality of life of children and caregivers, and public health across the life course.
Dr Norma B. Bulamu (Australia) is a research fellow with the College of Medicine and Public Health at Flinders University. Her current areas of research are the screening, treatment and surveillance of cancer and non-communicable diseases in general. She is applying health health economic methodologies including health economic modeling, patient preferences through Discrete Choice Experiments as well as the measurement and valuation of patient reported outcomes.
Dr. Paulette Cha (United States) is a Research Fellow at the Public Policy Institute of California, where she studies health coverage and outcomes for children, immigrants, and underserved groups. She completed a PhD in Health Policy/Health Economics at UC Berkeley.
Dr Rui Dang (Uzbekistan and China) is a senior lecturer in economics at Westminster International University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan and a guest professor in demographic economics at Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. He is also serving at CUGH-Consortium of Universities for Global Health and EHMA-European Health Management Association. His research interests are health economics, health policy, applied microeconometrics and quantitative methods in public health and clinical research.
Dr Joanne Flavel (Australia) is a Research Fellow at Stretton Health Equity at the University of Adelaide. Her PhD was awarded in 2016 from Flinders University and incorporated both health and labour economics. She previously worked at the National Institute of Labour Studies on the 2016 aged care workforce census and survey and the evaluation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Her current research focuses on health equity and social determinants of health.
Adriana König (Germany) is a PhD candidate as well as research and teaching assistant at the Institute for Health Economics and Health Care Management at LMU Munich School of Management. Her research focuses on preferences and the role of behavioral aspects in health.
Dr David Lugo-Palacios (Mexico and the UK) is an Assistant Professor in Health Economics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and Honorary Research Fellow at Imperial College London. His main research interests are health microeconometrics, policy evaluation, performance measurement, health care financing and quality of health care. He holds a PhD in Health Economics from LSHTM and previously worked at the University of Manchester. He also has professional experience in both the public and private sectors in Mexico.
Dr Ou Yang (Australia) is a Research Fellow at the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research at the University of Melbourne. His research interests are microeconometric and semiparametric models and applications in health economics and policy. He completed a PhD in Econometrics at Monash University.
Financing for Universal Health Coverage Call for Webinar Abstracts
The Financing for Universal Health Coverage Special Interest Group (SIG) brings together a network of health economists specialising in health financing in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC), with a particular focus on financing reforms to support the pursuit of Universal Health Coverage (UHC). More specifically, we seek to:
- Foster collaboration and knowledge exchange between health economists specialising in health financing in LMICs;
- Strengthen the analytical capacity for health financing research – especially amongst early-mid career researchers and women in LMICs;
- Share and critique latest methods for conducting equity-focused evaluations of health financing reforms and systems;
- Contribute to international policy debates on financing for universal health coverage; and
- Share educational resources and materials among members and more broadly.
One of the key activities of the group is the organisation of regular webinars throughout the year to promote exchange by sharing lessons learnt and new research ideas. Our goal is to foster diversity of topics and approaches as well as representation from a diverse group of researchers, including from LMICs.
We invite the submission of abstracts for seminars, which should include the following information:
- Presenter (s) name and contact details
- Max 500 words including title, background and objectives, methods, results, conclusions.
- Description of seminar, for example if the presenter wishes to suggest a discussant or specific modalities for interaction with the audience.
Submissions are invited by 31 st of May 2022 and can be made to Manon Haemmerli <>.
Abstracts will be assessed based on technical content, relevance of the topic for the SIG, diversity of presenters including representation from LMIC. We would also welcome submissions from doctoral students who are seeking input from the community of UHC financing researchers on their thesis research. Those submitting will be contacted within two weeks from submission deadline. The convenors will liaise with the presenters of selected abstracts for the organization of the webinar. There is flexibility in terms of the format of webinars although we recommend no more than 2-3 presenters, allowing a minimum of 20 minutes for discussion, and that the session runs for 1 hour (with an option to extend to 1.5 hours where warranted).
This will be a rolling call and members interested in presenting are invited to get in touch throughout the year.
Please also note that membership of the SIG is open to iHEA members who are working and/or studying in the field of health financing. Membership can be requested by logging in to the iHEA website, selecting the “groups” section and clicking “request to join” by the SIG name. Membership is approved by the convenor(s) of the SIG.
Past Webinar Recordings
If you are worried you will be unable to attend our webinars live or would like to revisit a recording of a webinar, you can visit our website to view our past webinar recordings page. We request members and non-members to register for webinars only if they are planning on attending the webinar live.
iHEA Career Center
The iHEA Career Center allows you to post your job openings and fellowships, find potential candidates and search new positions. It is open to members and non-members alike. We do hope that you utilize this tool and should you have any questions, please reach out to