Teaching Materials Repository
Title | Health Economics Topics | Types of Material | Languages | Authors & Institutions | Link | hf:tax:dlp_document_topic | hf:tax:dlp_document_type | hf:tax:dlp_document_language | hf:tax:dlp_document_author-institution |
OpenAI and Higher Education webinar series: The Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE) hosted a series of four webinars together with the Australian Government body TEQSA (Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency) | Teaching methods and related issues | Audio-Visual Material | English | CRADLE, TEQSA | teaching-methods-and-related-issues | audio-visual-material | english | cradle teqsa | |
Measuring health-related quality of life in children and adolescents: The EQ-5D-Y | Health and Outcome Valuation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | EuroQol Research Foundation | health-and-outcome-valuation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | euroqol-research-foundation | |
EQ-5D-5L Descriptive System | Health and Outcome Valuation | Audio-Visual Material | English | EuroQol Research Foundation | health-and-outcome-valuation | audio-visual-material | english | euroqol-research-foundation | |
EuroQol Whiteboard Animation – THE EQ VISUAL ANALOGUE SCALE | Health and Outcome Valuation | Audio-Visual Material | English | EuroQol Research Foundation | health-and-outcome-valuation | audio-visual-material | english | euroqol-research-foundation | |
Measuring health-related quality of life in children and adolescents: The EQ-5D-Y | Health and Outcome Valuation | Audio-Visual Material | English | EuroQol Research Foundation | health-and-outcome-valuation | audio-visual-material | english | euroqol-research-foundation | |
Translating Patient Reported Outcome Measures for Use Around the World – The Example of EQ-5D | Health and Outcome Valuation | Audio-Visual Material | English | EuroQol Research Foundation | health-and-outcome-valuation | audio-visual-material | english | euroqol-research-foundation | |
How to obtain EQ-5D? | Health and Outcome Valuation | Audio-Visual Material | English | EuroQol Research Foundation | health-and-outcome-valuation | audio-visual-material | english | euroqol-research-foundation | |
Explaining the EQ-5D in about two-and-a-half minutes | Health and Outcome Valuation | Audio-Visual Material | English | EuroQol Research Foundation | health-and-outcome-valuation | audio-visual-material | english | euroqol-research-foundation | |
Which MAUIs are recommended for use in HTA? A review of national pharmacoeconomic HTA guidelines from around the World | Health and Outcome Valuation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | EuroQol Research Foundation | health-and-outcome-valuation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | euroqol-research-foundation | |
EuroQol Core Slide kit | Health and Outcome Valuation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | EuroQol Research Foundation | health-and-outcome-valuation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | euroqol-research-foundation | |
The Role of Government | Political Economy of Health Care (Including Globalization) | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | David Bishai (Johns Hopkins University) | political-economy-of-health-care-including-globalization | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | david-bishai-johns-hopkins-university | |
Health and Health Systems | Introduction to Health Economics | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | David Bishai (Johns Hopkins University) | introduction-to-health-economics | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | david-bishai-johns-hopkins-university | |
Demand for Health Insurance | Demand for Health Insurance | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | David Bishai (Johns Hopkins University) | demand-for-health-insurance | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | david-bishai-johns-hopkins-university | |
Demand for health: The Grossman model | Demand for and Utilization of Health Services (Including Barriers to Access) | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | David Bishai (Johns Hopkins University) | demand-for-and-utilization-of-health-services-including-barriers-to-access | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | david-bishai-johns-hopkins-university | |
ECON 180.289: The Economics of Health | Introduction to Health Economics | Module/Course Outlines and Readings | English | David Bishai (Johns Hopkins University) | introduction-to-health-economics | module-course-outlines-and-readings | english | david-bishai-johns-hopkins-university | |
Managed Care | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | David Bishai (Johns Hopkins University) | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | david-bishai-johns-hopkins-university | |||
Capitation | Demand for and Utilization of Health Services (Including Barriers to Access) | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | David Bishai (Johns Hopkins University) | demand-for-and-utilization-of-health-services-including-barriers-to-access | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | david-bishai-johns-hopkins-university | |
Adverse Selection | Equity Analyses | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | David Bishai (Johns Hopkins University) | equity-analyses | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | david-bishai-johns-hopkins-university | |
Market Power | Competition and Market Failure, Health Care Labor Markets | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | David Bishai (Johns Hopkins University) | competition-and-market-failure health-care-labor-markets | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | david-bishai-johns-hopkins-university | |
Equity and Health | Equity Analyses | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | David Bishai (Johns Hopkins University) | equity-analyses | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | david-bishai-johns-hopkins-university | |
Malpractice | Regulation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | David Bishai (Johns Hopkins University) | regulation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | david-bishai-johns-hopkins-university | |
Quality | Supply of Health Services (Including Quality of Care) | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | David Bishai (Johns Hopkins University) | supply-of-health-services-including-quality-of-care | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | david-bishai-johns-hopkins-university | |
Health Economics in Low Income Countries | Equity Analyses, Political Economy of Health Care (Including Globalization) | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | David Bishai (Johns Hopkins University) | equity-analyses political-economy-of-health-care-including-globalization | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | david-bishai-johns-hopkins-university | |
Pharmaceuticals | Supply of Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Devices | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | David Bishai (Johns Hopkins University) | supply-of-pharmaceutical-products-and-medical-devices | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | david-bishai-johns-hopkins-university | |
Physician Behavior | Demand for and Utilization of Health Services (Including Barriers to Access), Health Care Labor Markets, Supply of Health Services (Including Quality of Care) | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | David Bishai (Johns Hopkins University) | demand-for-and-utilization-of-health-services-including-barriers-to-access health-care-labor-markets supply-of-health-services-including-quality-of-care | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | david-bishai-johns-hopkins-university | |
Fixing Broken Health Systems | Priority Setting, Supply of Health Services (Including Quality of Care) | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | David Bishai (Johns Hopkins University) | priority-setting supply-of-health-services-including-quality-of-care | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | david-bishai-johns-hopkins-university | |
US Health Insurance | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | David Bishai (Johns Hopkins University) | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | david-bishai-johns-hopkins-university | |||
Economic Theory of Public Goods Applied to Public Health | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | David Bishai (Johns Hopkins University) | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | david-bishai-johns-hopkins-university | |||
Economics of Health Course – Lecture Recordings | Demand for and Utilization of Health Services (Including Barriers to Access), Demand for Health Insurance, Equity Analyses, Health Care Labor Markets | Audio-Visual Material | English | David Bishai (Johns Hopkins University) | demand-for-and-utilization-of-health-services-including-barriers-to-access demand-for-health-insurance equity-analyses health-care-labor-markets | audio-visual-material | english | david-bishai-johns-hopkins-university | |
An Introduction to Behavioral Economics for Health Economics Students | Behavioral Economics and Health Production | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Elena Druică (University of Bucharest) | behavioral-economics-and-health-production | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | elena-druica-university-of-bucharest | |
Écosanté: enhancing knowledge, competencies and collaboration opportunities related to health economics | Economic Evaluation | Audio-Visual Material | English, French | Annie Poirier (Unité de Soutien SSA Québec), Christian Chabot (Unité de Soutien SSA Québec), Erin Strumpf (McGill University), France Légaré (Unité de soutien SSA Québec), Hervé Tchala Vignon Zomahoun (Unité de soutien SSA Québec), Jason Robert Guertin (Université Laval), Maude Laberge (Université Laval), Myriam Gaudreault (Université Laval), oxane Borgès da Silva (Université de Montréal), Pascale Laveault-Allard (Université Laval), Simon Berthelot (Université Laval), Thomas Poder (universitaire de Sherbrooke) | economic-evaluation | audio-visual-material | english french | annie-poirier-unite-de-soutien-ssa-quebec christian-chabot-unite-de-soutien-ssa-quebec erin-strumpf-mcgill-university france-legare-unite-de-soutien-ssa-quebec herve-tchala-vignon-zomahoun-unite-de-soutien-ssa-quebec jason-robert-guertin-universite-laval maude-laberge-universite-laval myriam-gaudreault-universite-laval oxane-borges-da-silva-universite-de-montreal pascale-laveault-allard-universite-laval simon-berthelot-universite-laval thomas-poder-universitaire-de-sherbrooke | |
Webinar: Where is Gender in Health Economics? | Equity Analyses | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Lavanya Vijayasingham (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine), Michelle Remme (The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Rajalakshmi RamPrakash (Ramalingaswami Centre on Equity and Social Determinants of Health; Public Health Foundation of India), Veloshnee Govender (World Health Organization) | equity-analyses | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | lavanya-vijayasingham-london-school-of-hygiene-tropical-medicine michelle-remme-the-global-fund-to-fight-aids rajalakshmi-ramprakash-ramalingaswami-centre-on-equity-and-social-determinants-of-health-public-health-foundation-of-india veloshnee-govender-world-health-organization | |
National Health Accounts and their use in informing health sector reform | Health Care Financing and Expenditure, Resource allocation | Case Studies and Group Exercises | English | Charlotte Muheki (University of Cape Town), Di McIntyre (University of Cape Town) | health-care-financing-and-expenditure resource-allocation | case-studies-and-group-exercises | english | charlotte-muheki-university-of-cape-town di-mcintyre-university-of-cape-town | |
Mobilising health care resources in a rural, low-income country context: Role-play | Health Care Financing and Expenditure, Resource allocation | Case Studies and Group Exercises | English | Di McIntyre (University of Cape Town), Filip Meheus (University of Cape Town), Lucy Gilson (University of Cape Town) | health-care-financing-and-expenditure resource-allocation | case-studies-and-group-exercises | english | di-mcintyre-university-of-cape-town filip-meheus-university-of-cape-town lucy-gilson-university-of-cape-town | |
Economic Evaluation in Health Care | Economic Evaluation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Kaja Abbas | economic-evaluation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | kaja-abbas | |
Economic Evaluation in Practice | Economic Evaluation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Kaja Abbas | economic-evaluation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | kaja-abbas | |
Economics of the market for medicines | Supply of Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Devices | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Jon Sussex (Office of Health Economics), Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz (Office of Health Economics) | supply-of-pharmaceutical-products-and-medical-devices | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | jon-sussex-office-of-health-economics jorge-mestre-ferrandiz-office-of-health-economics | |
Teaching material on Health economics for grad students of Nursing | Economic Evaluation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | Spanish | Sergio García Vicente | economic-evaluation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | spanish | sergio-garcia-vicente | |
Costing in Economic Evaluation Part III (Cost Adjustment Issues) | Economic Evaluation | Audio-Visual Material | English | Lucy Cunnama (University of Cape Town) | economic-evaluation | audio-visual-material | english | lucy-cunnama-university-of-cape-town | |
Costing in Economic Evaluation Part II (Costing Methods) | Economic Evaluation | Audio-Visual Material | English | Lucy Cunnama (University of Cape Town) | economic-evaluation | audio-visual-material | english | lucy-cunnama-university-of-cape-town | |
Costing in Economic Evaluation Part I (Cost Concepts and Approaches | Economic Evaluation | Audio-Visual Material | English | Lucy Cunnama (University of Cape Town) | economic-evaluation | audio-visual-material | english | lucy-cunnama-university-of-cape-town | |
Introduction to Economic Evaluation | Economic Evaluation | Audio-Visual Material | English | Susan Cleary (University of Cape Town) | economic-evaluation | audio-visual-material | english | susan-cleary-university-of-cape-town | |
Economic Evaluation and Health System Strengthening | Economic Evaluation | Audio-Visual Material | English | Susan Cleary (University of Cape Town) | economic-evaluation | audio-visual-material | english | susan-cleary-university-of-cape-town | |
Medical labour markets: An interview with Karen Bloor | Health Care Labor Markets | Audio-Visual Material | English | Karen Bloor (University of York) | health-care-labor-markets | audio-visual-material | english | karen-bloor-university-of-york | |
Possible Disutility Associated with Explicit Health Care Rationing | Rationing | Audio-Visual Material | English | Joanna Coast (University of Bristol) | rationing | audio-visual-material | english | joanna-coast-university-of-bristol | |
Health economics & financing in low and middle income countries (full course/materials available upon free registration) | Health Care Financing and Expenditure | Module/Course Outlines and Readings | English | Dr. Lorna Guinness (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine), Dr. Virginia Wiseman (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine), Fiammetta Bozzani (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine), George Christopher (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine), Joanna Stroud (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine) | health-care-financing-and-expenditure | module-course-outlines-and-readings | english | dr-lorna-guinness-london-school-of-hygiene-tropical-medicine dr-virginia-wiseman-london-school-of-hygiene-tropical-medicine fiammetta-bozzani-london-school-of-hygiene-tropical-medicine george-christopher-london-school-of-hygiene-tropical-medicine joanna-stroud-london-school-of-hygiene-tropical-medicine | |
Costing in Economic Evaluation (Parts I, II and III) | Economic Evaluation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Lucy Cunnama (University of Cape Town) | economic-evaluation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | lucy-cunnama-university-of-cape-town | |
Economic Evaluation and Health System Strengthening | Economic Evaluation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Susan Cleary (University of Cape Town) | economic-evaluation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | susan-cleary-university-of-cape-town | |
Introduction to Economic Evaluation | Economic Evaluation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Susan Cleary (University of Cape Town) | economic-evaluation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | susan-cleary-university-of-cape-town | |
Établissement des coûts dans l’évaluation économique Première partie | Economic Evaluation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | French | Lucy Cunnama (University of Cape Town) | economic-evaluation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | french | lucy-cunnama-university-of-cape-town | |
Évaluation économique et renforcement des systèmes de santé | Economic Evaluation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | French | Susan Cleary (University of Cape Town) | economic-evaluation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | french | susan-cleary-university-of-cape-town | |
Introduction à l’évaluation économique | Economic Evaluation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | French | Susan Cleary (University of Cape Town) | economic-evaluation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | french | susan-cleary-university-of-cape-town | |
Health Care Rationing Exercise | Rationing | Case Studies and Group Exercises | English | Tracey Sach (University of East Anglia) | rationing | case-studies-and-group-exercises | english | tracey-sach-university-of-east-anglia | |
Economics of the Market for Medicines | Competition and Market Failure, Demand for and Utilization of Health Services (Including Barriers to Access), Economic Evaluation, Regulation, Supply of Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Devices | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Jon Sussex (Office of Health Economics), Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz (Office of Health Economics) | competition-and-market-failure demand-for-and-utilization-of-health-services-including-barriers-to-access economic-evaluation regulation supply-of-pharmaceutical-products-and-medical-devices | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | jon-sussex-office-of-health-economics jorge-mestre-ferrandiz-office-of-health-economics | |
Non-market Health Care Allocation (Lecture 8) | Introduction to Health Economics, Priority Setting, Resource allocation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Richard Smith (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) | introduction-to-health-economics priority-setting resource-allocation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | richard-smith-london-school-of-hygiene-and-tropical-medicine | |
Information, Supplier-Induced Demand and Provider Responses to Incentives (Lecture 7) | Competition and Market Failure, Introduction to Health Economics, Supply of Health Services (Including Quality of Care) | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Richard Smith (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) | competition-and-market-failure introduction-to-health-economics supply-of-health-services-including-quality-of-care | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | richard-smith-london-school-of-hygiene-and-tropical-medicine | |
Externalities, Public Goods and Health Insurance (Lecture 6) | Competition and Market Failure, Health Care Financing and Expenditure, Introduction to Health Economics | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Richard Smith (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) | competition-and-market-failure health-care-financing-and-expenditure introduction-to-health-economics | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | richard-smith-london-school-of-hygiene-and-tropical-medicine | |
Resource Allocation and the Market (Lecture 5) | Competition and Market Failure, Introduction to Health Economics | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Richard Smith (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) | competition-and-market-failure introduction-to-health-economics | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | richard-smith-london-school-of-hygiene-and-tropical-medicine | |
Producers and the Supply of Health Care (Lecture 4) | Introduction to Health Economics, Supply of Health Services (Including Quality of Care) | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Richard Smith (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) | introduction-to-health-economics supply-of-health-services-including-quality-of-care | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | richard-smith-london-school-of-hygiene-and-tropical-medicine | |
Consumers and the Demand for Health Care (Lecture 3) | Demand for and Utilization of Health Services (Including Barriers to Access), Introduction to Health Economics | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Richard Smith (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) | demand-for-and-utilization-of-health-services-including-barriers-to-access introduction-to-health-economics | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | richard-smith-london-school-of-hygiene-and-tropical-medicine | |
Key Concepts in Health Economics (Lecture 2) | Introduction to Health Economics | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Richard Smith (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) | introduction-to-health-economics | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | richard-smith-london-school-of-hygiene-and-tropical-medicine | |
Introduction to Health Economics (Lecture 1) | Introduction to Health Economics | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Richard Smith (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) | introduction-to-health-economics | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | richard-smith-london-school-of-hygiene-and-tropical-medicine | |
The Challenges for Health Systems in a Globalizing World | Political Economy of Health Care (Including Globalization) | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Richard Smith (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) | political-economy-of-health-care-including-globalization | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | richard-smith-london-school-of-hygiene-and-tropical-medicine | |
Global Trade and Health | Political Economy of Health Care (Including Globalization) | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Richard Smith (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) | political-economy-of-health-care-including-globalization | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | richard-smith-london-school-of-hygiene-and-tropical-medicine | |
Human Resources and Health Worker Migration | Health Care Labor Markets, Political Economy of Health Care (Including Globalization) | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Richard Smith (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) | health-care-labor-markets political-economy-of-health-care-including-globalization | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | richard-smith-london-school-of-hygiene-and-tropical-medicine | |
An Overview of the Global Economy | Political Economy of Health Care (Including Globalization) | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Richard Smith (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) | political-economy-of-health-care-including-globalization | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | richard-smith-london-school-of-hygiene-and-tropical-medicine | |
Priority Setting in Healthcare | Priority Setting, Rationing | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Hareth Al-Janabi (University of Birmingham) | priority-setting rationing | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | hareth-al-janabi-university-of-birmingham | |
Combining Equity and Efficiency in Health Care | Efficiency Analyses, Equity Analyses, Theory | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | John Hooker (Carnegie Mellon University) | efficiency-analyses equity-analyses theory | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | john-hooker-carnegie-mellon-university | |
Health and Health Care Systems | Competition and Market Failure, Health Care Financing and Expenditure | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Marie Stack (Nottingham Trent University) | competition-and-market-failure health-care-financing-and-expenditure | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | marie-stack-nottingham-trent-university | |
Eliciting Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Valuations Exercise | Economic Evaluation, Health and Outcome Valuation | Case Studies and Group Exercises | English | Nancy Devlin (City University) | economic-evaluation health-and-outcome-valuation | case-studies-and-group-exercises | english | nancy-devlin-city-university | |
Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) Exercise | Economic Evaluation, Health and Outcome Valuation | Case Studies and Group Exercises | English | Bonnie Parkinson (Macquarie University) | economic-evaluation health-and-outcome-valuation | case-studies-and-group-exercises | english | bonnie-parkinson-macquarie-university | |
The Role of Qualitative Research in Health Economics | Qualitative research methods | Audio-Visual Material | English | Joanna Coast (University of Bristol) | qualitative-research-methods | audio-visual-material | english | joanna-coast-university-of-bristol | |
Empirical Studies of the Production of Health | Health and Outcome Valuation, Production of health, Social Determinants of Health | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Eleonar Fichera (University of Manchester) | health-and-outcome-valuation production-of-health social-determinants-of-health | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | eleonar-fichera-university-of-manchester | |
Beyond the Grossman’s Model | Demand for and Utilization of Health Services (Including Barriers to Access) | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Eleonar Fichera (University of Manchester) | demand-for-and-utilization-of-health-services-including-barriers-to-access | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | eleonar-fichera-university-of-manchester | |
Microeconomic Principles of Production / Consumption of Health | Demand for and Utilization of Health Services (Including Barriers to Access) | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Eleonar Fichera (University of Manchester) | demand-for-and-utilization-of-health-services-including-barriers-to-access | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | eleonar-fichera-university-of-manchester | |
Counting the Cost of Effective Health Policy | Economic Evaluation | Case Studies and Group Exercises | English | Stephen Heasell (Nottingham Trent University) | economic-evaluation | case-studies-and-group-exercises | english | stephen-heasell-nottingham-trent-university | |
Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratios (ICERs) Exercise | Economic Evaluation | Case Studies and Group Exercises | English | Nancy Devlin (City University) | economic-evaluation | case-studies-and-group-exercises | english | nancy-devlin-city-university | |
Introduction to Decision Modelling | Economic Evaluation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Andrew Sutton (University of Birmingham) | economic-evaluation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | andrew-sutton-university-of-birmingham | |
Estimating Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) | Economic Evaluation, Health and Outcome Valuation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Dr Emma Frew (University of Birmingham) | economic-evaluation health-and-outcome-valuation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | dr-emma-frew-university-of-birmingham | |
Measuring Outcomes in Economic Evaluation | Economic Evaluation, Health and Outcome Valuation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Dr Emma Frew (University of Birmingham) | economic-evaluation health-and-outcome-valuation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | dr-emma-frew-university-of-birmingham | |
Recommendations of the US Panel on Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine | Economic Evaluation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Kevin Frick (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health) | economic-evaluation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | kevin-frick-johns-hopkins-bloomberg-school-of-public-health | |
Economic Evaluation: Decision Rules | Economic Evaluation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Kevin Frick (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health) | economic-evaluation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | kevin-frick-johns-hopkins-bloomberg-school-of-public-health | |
Multiple Year Cost Calculations | Economic Evaluation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Kevin Frick (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health) | economic-evaluation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | kevin-frick-johns-hopkins-bloomberg-school-of-public-health | |
Measuring Cost Over Time | Economic Evaluation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Kevin Frick (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health) | economic-evaluation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | kevin-frick-johns-hopkins-bloomberg-school-of-public-health | |
Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) | Economic Evaluation, Health and Outcome Valuation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Kevin Frick (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health) | economic-evaluation health-and-outcome-valuation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | kevin-frick-johns-hopkins-bloomberg-school-of-public-health | |
Overview of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis | Economic Evaluation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Kevin Frick (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health) | economic-evaluation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | kevin-frick-johns-hopkins-bloomberg-school-of-public-health | |
Pharmaco-economic Evaluation: Analysis and Costs | Economic Evaluation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Richard Smith (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) | economic-evaluation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | richard-smith-london-school-of-hygiene-and-tropical-medicine | |
Pharmaco-economic Evaluation: Benefits and Outcomes | Economic Evaluation, Health and Outcome Valuation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Richard Smith (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) | economic-evaluation health-and-outcome-valuation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | richard-smith-london-school-of-hygiene-and-tropical-medicine | |
Pharmaco-economic Evaluation: Resources and Costs | Economic Evaluation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Richard Smith (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) | economic-evaluation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | richard-smith-london-school-of-hygiene-and-tropical-medicine | |
Pharmaco-economic Evaluation: Research Question | Economic Evaluation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Richard Smith (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) | economic-evaluation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | richard-smith-london-school-of-hygiene-and-tropical-medicine | |
Methods for Valuing Health in Economic Evaluation | Economic Evaluation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Adam Oliver (London School of Economics) | economic-evaluation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | adam-oliver-london-school-of-economics | |
Assessing Value for Money: Principles, Methods and Issues (including exercise) | Economic Evaluation | Case Studies and Group Exercises, Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Nancy Devlin (City University) | economic-evaluation | case-studies-and-group-exercises lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | nancy-devlin-city-university | |
Economic Evaluation: Measuring Benefits | Economic Evaluation, Health and Outcome Valuation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Eleonar Fichera (University of Manchester) | economic-evaluation health-and-outcome-valuation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | eleonar-fichera-university-of-manchester | |
Economic Evaluation in Health Care: An Overview | Economic Evaluation | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | William Whittaker (University of Manchester) | economic-evaluation | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | william-whittaker-university-of-manchester | |
In Pursuit of Equity in Health Care | Equity Analyses | Case Studies and Group Exercises | English | Heather Brown (Newcastle University) | equity-analyses | case-studies-and-group-exercises | english | heather-brown-newcastle-university | |
Equity in Priority Setting | Priority Setting | Case Studies and Group Exercises | English | Dr Emma Frew (University of Birmingham) | priority-setting | case-studies-and-group-exercises | english | dr-emma-frew-university-of-birmingham | |
Health Econometrics Exercise: Critical Appraisal of a Published Article | Health Statistics and Econometrics | Case Studies and Group Exercises | English | Andrew Street, University of York, Christopher Sampson (University of Nottingham), David Whitehurst (Simon Fraser University) | health-statistics-and-econometrics | case-studies-and-group-exercises | english | andrew-street-university-of-york christopher-sampson-university-of-nottingham david-whitehurst-simon-fraser-university | |
Interpreting Multivariate Regressions | Health Statistics and Econometrics | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Heather Brown (Newcastle University) | health-statistics-and-econometrics | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | heather-brown-newcastle-university | |
Universidad del Rosario: Seminario de Economía de la Salud | Introduction to Health Economics | Module/Course Outlines and Readings | Spanish | Paul Rodríguez (Universidad del Rosario) | introduction-to-health-economics | module-course-outlines-and-readings | spanish | paul-rodriguez-universidad-del-rosario | |
Bilateral Trade Game (introduces concepts of demand, supply, equilibrium and consumer & producer surplus) | Introduction to Health Economics | Case Studies and Group Exercises | English | Alastair Fischer (Birkbeck College) | introduction-to-health-economics | case-studies-and-group-exercises | english | alastair-fischer-birkbeck-college | |
Moral Hazard in Health Insurance: What do we Know and How do we Know it? | Demand for Health Insurance, Health Care Financing and Expenditure | Audio-Visual Material | English | Amy Finkelstein (MIT) | demand-for-health-insurance health-care-financing-and-expenditure | audio-visual-material | english | amy-finkelstein-mit | |
How Healthcare is Funded Internationally | Health Care Financing and Expenditure | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Cristina Peñaloza (University of Birmingham) | health-care-financing-and-expenditure | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | cristina-penaloza-university-of-birmingham | |
Priority-setting Exercise: An Instrument for Training in Health Care Resource Allocation | Priority Setting, Rationing | Article, Case Studies and Group Exercises, manuscript outlining exercise | English | David Whynes, Keith Tolley, University of Nottingham (Reproduced with permission of David Whynes) | priority-setting rationing | article case-studies-and-group-exercises manuscript-outlining-exercise | english | david-whynes keith-tolley university-of-nottingham-reproduced-with-permission-of-david-whynes | |
Medical Labour Markets: An Interview with Karen Bloor | Health Care Labor Markets | Audio-Visual Material | English | Karen Bloor (University of York) | health-care-labor-markets | audio-visual-material | english | karen-bloor-university-of-york | |
The Demand for Health and Healthcare – Grossman Model | Demand for and Utilization of Health Services (Including Barriers to Access) | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | Dr Emma Frew (University of Birmingham) | demand-for-and-utilization-of-health-services-including-barriers-to-access | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | dr-emma-frew-university-of-birmingham | |
Globalization and Health: Health Worker Migration | Health Care Labor Markets, Political Economy of Health Care (Including Globalization) | Lecture Presentations/Powerpoint Slides | English | John Ashmore (University of Cape Town) | health-care-labor-markets political-economy-of-health-care-including-globalization | lecture-presentations-powerpoint-slides | english | john-ashmore-university-of-cape-town | |
Illustrating Adverse Selection in Health Insurance Markets with a Classroom Game | Competition and Market Failure, Demand for Health Insurance, Health Care Financing and Expenditure | Case Studies and Group Exercises | English | Jennifer Mellor (College of William and Mary) | competition-and-market-failure demand-for-health-insurance health-care-financing-and-expenditure | case-studies-and-group-exercises | english | jennifer-mellor-college-of-william-and-mary |
Contributing materials
We encourage all health economics teachers committed to building health economics education capacity and enhancing the quality of teaching to submit material for incorporation in this repository. The materials are made available as Open Educational Resources (OER), using a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License, to ensure that you are credited whenever your materials are used.
Submitted materials will be reviewed by conveners of the Teaching Health Economics Special Interest Group (THE SIG), for example to ensure that there is appropriate referencing of figures and tables, before being made publicly available.